7 Human Foods That are Dangerous for Dogs
Doggies love getting treats from the family members all the time. Dogs are so cute looking that pet parents give in to their demands too. However, did you know that some of the human foods are downright harmful to your pets? Here is a list of poisonous human foods not to feed your dog, ever.
Many of the top brands of human candies are sweetened using an ingredient called xylitol gum. This is used as a sugar-substitute and gives a natural sweet taste to candies. Xylitol gum is very harmful to dogs as it can spike blood sugar levels and lead to liver failures. You should look out for symptoms like seizures and vomiting in dogs that have had candies.
One of the top human foods not to feed your dog ever is alcohol. Alcohol works the same way on dogs as they work on human beings. However, it takes very little alcohol to cause an overdose in pets. The smaller your dog, the worse will be the effects of alcohol. Symptoms can include diarrhea, vomiting, breathing disorders, and even coma.
Another of the common human foods not to feed your dog is caffeine. Caffeine in all forms is dangerous to pets, especially dogs. Symptoms of caffeine toxicity are seizures and hyperactivity. Excess caffeine intake can cause coma and even death in your pets.
Who does not like sweet raisins? But a dog ingesting even a small amount of raisin can make them very sick. The smaller your dog, the more will be the side effects of raisins. Vomiting is an early sign to look out for. Dogs also get very lethargic and tired when they eat raisins. Raisin and grapes can lead to kidney failure in dogs.
Macadamia Nuts
Macadamia nuts are extremely dangerous for dogs too. Within 12-48 hours of consumption, macadamia nuts can cause weakness, tremors, and fever in pets. You must talk to your vet right away if you suspect your dog has consumed macadamia nuts.
Garlic and Onions
All forms of onions and garlic are harmful to dogs, even if they are ingested in very small amounts. Some snacks may have onion and garlic powder that you are not aware of. Signs of onion and garlic poisoning are breathing difficulties and vomiting.
This is another of the common human foods not to feed your dog. You may be tempted to share a piece of chocolate with your pet. Do remember that most chocolates have theobromine that can cause seizures, tremors, and even death.
It’s vital to make a note of all these human foods not to feed your dog and make sure you do not share them with your pets. Do not hesitate to contact your vet anytime you suspect your pet has consumed one of these foods.